Top Areas of Work

Following are the major work areas of Disability Human Rights Promotion Society (DHRPS).

Our Areas of Work that defines our organization

Good Constitution Demand Rally


To promote the equal realization of human rights among the persons with disabilities DHRPS conduct a…

Awareness Program


Nepal has become the state party of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)…

Capacity BUilding workshop

Capacity Building

DHRPS offer various training, orientation and awareness packages for the capacity building of person…

Fund Raising

Fund Raising

The main difficulty of organizations run by persons with disabilities (DPOs) is the sustainable func…

Networking and Collaboration

Networking and Collaboration

A single person or institution could not meet any achievements rather teamwork and joint effort fost…

A workshop photo

Study & Research

Study and Research always determine the destination of targeted activities. In each field of society…

School Program

Youth Empowerment

DHRPS believes in the power of the youth. It empowers youth with disabilities by investing in nurtur…