
Awareness Program

Nepal has become the state party of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) since 2010. The new constitution of Nepal 2072 has secured some rights of persons with disabilities. The Act on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2074 has been promulgated which has adopted many rights enshrined in CRPD. In […]

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Good Constitution Demand Rally

To promote the equal realization of human rights among the persons with disabilities DHRPS conduct advocacy with local duty bearers and provincial and federal government agencies focusing on the effective implementation of CRPD and disability related domestic legal frameworks and to bring disability inclusive programs and budgets. We further advocate to ensure access of persons

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Capacity Building

Capacity BUilding workshop

DHRPS offer various training, orientation and awareness packages for the capacity building of persons with disabilities, local duty bearers and other formal and informal groups on disability rights, human rights, Disability Inclusive Development (DID), CRPD and SDGs.

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