Prime Goals and Objectives


  • Ending discrimination on the basis of disability and ensuring the realization of human rights including economic, social and cultural rights among persons with disabilities.
  • Promoting the leadership of youth and women with disabilities in the disability rights movement.
  • Producing knowledge and educating the community, society and stakeholders on human rights, disability rights, CRPD and disability inclusion.
  • Removing all barriers that hinders the effective and meaningful participation, individual freedom, rights to choice and autonomy of persons with disabilities in the various spheres of life.
  • Promoting equal access for persons with disabilities in services/entitlements, physical facilities and infrastructures, opportunities and system.


  • Contribute for making the society, community and state barrier-free and inclusive for persons with disabilities.
  • Strengthen capacity of persons with disabilities and make them able to promote equality, justice and inclusion and further to claim their rights in family, community, society and state.
  • Contribute to the disability rights movement of country and abroad by promoting the leadership of youth and women with disabilities from diverse groups.